Plotting time series of temperature fluctuations through the year in Arctic using R.
Authors: Florence Sarah Atherden, Emil Bay Frantzen, Victoria Hannah Gillman & Audun Narvestad
Active learning creating video tutorials.
The course AB-204 at the University Centre in Svalbard deals with how the Arctic environment shapes ecological processes and evolutionary adaptations. Behavioural ecology, life history adaptations, population dynamics and species interactions are dealt with.
Course leader: Øystein Varpe
Teacher (statistics): Matteo Petit Bon
During fall 2016, 4 groups of students participated to TE2LE. Click on the 4 screenshots below to play the video tutorials.
Authors: Florence Sarah Atherden, Emil Bay Frantzen, Victoria Hannah Gillman & Audun Narvestad
Authors: Angeline Bruls, Nanna Devantier, Linn Marie Flølo & Julian Robin
Authors: Charlotte Faraas, Lena Götz & Marie Aas Westvik
Authors: Renate Marie Alling, Guillaume Etienne Mercier, Bryony Sherlock & Vassily Sebastian Zavoico